Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Our Lady of the Lost and Found by Diane Schomperlen

I had read about this book a long time ago in the book catalogue Bas Bleu. It is about a visit from the Virgin Mary paid on an average woman in the suburbs. There are large sections of historical Mary background in this novel, but it is cute and the main character is a writer. Mary makes her promise she wil never write a book about her visit.

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Stranger Than Fiction by Chuck Palahniuk

I read this book of essays over the long NEOEA weekend. The book includes Palahniuk's family stories, and some background on the writing of FIght Club as well as a hysterical story about his trip to Los Angelos to work on the movie, when his head was infected from using a men's dipilatory product.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

The Motorcycle Diaries - Ernesto Che Guavara

David and I went to see the movie of The Motorcycle Diaries this weekend - in keeping with David's plan to only see movies that have motorcycles in them. It is the story of Ernesto Che Guavara and his friend who took a motorcyle trip across South America. It is based on Che's diaries. The story was very moving and it was beautifully filmed. Plus we got to go to the Cedar Lee theater, which is an experience in and of itself. Oh, and the movie is in Spanish.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Americas Women by Gail Collins

I bought this book a year ago and had read bits and pieces. It is the history of the country told through the changing roles of women. I actually had my students read about 6 pages of the section about the women of Salem, Massachusetts during the witch trials. The more I read, the more I am convinced this is a great book for women of all ages.